Ring Maching
Hayami Arakawa
Wed Jan 6, Mon Jan 11, Wed Jan 13, 20, 09-11:30am, W31-031 Hobby Shop
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Signup by: 11-Dec-2009
Limited to 6 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: Hobby Shop membership
Fee: 35.00 for Materials Fee
This class will be a four-session introduction to making wearable rings using the Omax water jet, machine lathe, and techniques on polishing and buffing. The class will cover prototyping rings in plastic and then making them in stainless steel and titanium.
Contact: Hayami, W31-031, x3-4343, hayami@mit.edu
Sponsor: Hobby Shop
Latest update: 10-Nov-2009