Showcase the Skills You Gained (or Plan to Gain) through a Global Experience
Malgorzata Hedderick, Yulia Vershinina, Marilyn Wilson
Tue Jan 19, 03:30-05:00pm, 56-162
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Single session event
Have you participated in International UROP, study abroad, internship, or public service project abroad? Are you wondering how to best communicate to potential employers or in your graduate school applications the skills that you have gained? Or, are you planning to participate in a global experience and want to be sure to take full advantage of the opportunity? In this session we will help you to analyze the skills and knowledge that you would like to gain or that you have gained. We will also help you communicate these skills and the knowledge effectively in job searches and in graduate school applications.
For more information and to register, please contact Dean Malgorzata Hedderick at
Contact: Malgorzata Hedderick, 12-189, x3-0676,
Sponsor: Global Education and Career Development
Latest update: 13-Nov-2009