Implementations of Quantum Computing
Clarice Aiello
Mon-Fri, Jan 11-15, 18-22, 01-02:30pm, 36-428
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: basic background in Quantum Mechanics
When will Quantum Computing become a reality? It is already!
This class will present the basics and review recent developments in the experimental implementation of Quantum Computing ideas. Emphasis will be placed on the comparison of different flavors of "quantum bits".
The lecturers are graduate students and post-docs working in the field. Refreshments and snacks will be served daily.
The class is sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Quantum Information Science and Engineering Program. The iQuISE program is supported by the National Science Foundation.
Contact: Clarice Aiello, 26-313, (617) 253-7989,
Sponsor: Research Laboratory of Electronics
Cosponsor: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Latest update: 03-Dec-2009