Personal Finance: 101
Mark Porter'05
Tue Jan 5, 05:30-07:00pm, 10-105, Bush Room
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Single session event
MIT has done a great job teaching us how to earn money.
Unfortunately, no one has taught us what to do with it when we get it! This hour long seminar will give you the basics of a financial planning approach. We will cover definitions and best practices regarding: • Cash Reserves • Liability Management • Tax Planning • Insurance Planning • Savings Vehicles • Investments Class will be most useful for those already working or graduating in 2010, but all are welcomed! Taught by Mark Porter, CFP® Class of 2005.
Pizza will be served. Please register using the link below so we know how much food to order.
Contact: Katie Maloney, W98, (617) 452-3372,
Sponsor: Alumni Association
Latest update: 20-Nov-2009