Introduction to Software Exploitation
Nathan Rittenhouse
Tue Jan 26, Wed Jan 27, Thu Jan 28, 04-06:30am, 2-147
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: At least a 6.004 knowledge of x86 assembly, basic knowledge
Dive into the world of reverse engineering and software exploitation. Learn theory and practice for how to analyze and reverse engineer software for both understanding its internals and for gaining the ability to execute arbitrary code. This class will cover various vulnerabilities in software running on Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX.
Topics include:
- Stack based buffer overflows on Linux
- Stack based buffer overflows and SEH overwrites on Windows
- XPSP1 level heap exploitation on Windows
- Heap exploitation pre-Leopard on Mac OSX
- Writing DCE/RPC based exploits
- Writing exploits with the Metasploit framework
- Discussion on how to automate certain aspects of exploit development
- Implications of modern anti-exploitation technologies and how they sometimes fail
Contact: Nathan Rittenhouse,
Sponsor: Student Information Processing Board
Latest update: 10-Dec-2009