Introduction to Contract Bridge
Jack Chu, Brian Duran, Gloria Tsoi
Mon, Thu, Jan 4, 7, 11, 14, 21, 25, 28, 07-09:30pm, 4-149
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Limited to 45 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Come and discover the fun and intellectual challenge associated with contract bridge! In this course, we explore the fundamentals of the game, including bidding, declarer play, and defense. The lessons are based on The Club Series by Audrey Grant, as published by the American Contract Bridge League.
Each session will consist of a lecture, several examples, and supervised play. By the end of this eight session course, the student will have learned enough to play bridge socially, and start exploring the exciting world of duplicate bridge. There will also be an individual tournament at the end of the course, with prizes for the winners.
You may purchase an introductory bridge book for $10 if you wish.
Contact: Gloria Tsoi,
Sponsor: Mathematics
Latest update: 14-Dec-2009