Health and Wellness Innovation
John Moore MD, Sai Moturu, Nadav Aharony, Clark Freifeld
Thu Jan 7, 11am-06:00pm, E14-244, hack-a-thon Tue, Thu, Jan 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 01-03:00pm, E14-244 Thu Jan 28, 01-03:00pm, E14-244, final presentations
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 05-Jan-2010
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: No prerequisites. Only a desire to build solutions.
The first meeting on 1/7/10 will be a fun and hands-on hack-a-thon from 11am to 6pm. Lunch and dinner will be provided.
As the world’s population ages and the burden of chronic disease grows, there is an outstanding need for technology not only to improve the delivery of healthcare but also to help individuals and communities take greater control of their own health and wellness.
This IAP activity aims to mentor the development of working prototypes of health empowerment tools. Students will be encouraged to innovate in the areas of chronic disease management, disease prevention, healthy habit formation, and psychological and social wellness. Mentoring from patients, technologists, and clinicians will be provided as will fun tools such as Android phones, health sensors, and avatars.
Contact: John Moore MD, E14-274G, (856) 520-1493,
Sponsor: Media Arts & Sciences
Latest update: 22-Dec-2009