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IAP 2010 Activity

Linked Data
Robert Wolfe
Wed Jan 27, 02-03:00pm, 14N-132

No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Single session event

A current internet buzzword is "linked data". The idea of linked data is closely aligned with the goal of exposing rich data sources on the web, and it represents a next step in efforts to build a semantic web. How is linked data different from the links in hypertext? How can it be applied to the publication of MIT's scholarly research data and the integration of MIT's content management systems (for example,Stellar, OCW, and DSpace)? What is its relation to Semantic Web technologies like RDF, OWL, and URIs? This session will answer these questions and discuss current linked data applications. We will consider how linked data principles may be applied to the publication of MIT's scholarly research data and how MIT organizations can collaborate to create, publish, and share linked data.
Contact: Robert Wolfe, 14E-210B, x3-0604, rwolfe@mit.edu
Sponsor: Libraries
Latest update: 09-Dec-2009

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 19 August 2010