LEGS 101: Organizational Communication - How To Say It
Jason McKnight, Vivek Sakhrani
Thu Jan 14, 06-07:30pm, NW30 - Colbert Room
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Do they get it or is everyone confused? Learn how to communicate effectively both within and outside your organization. Discover ways to strategize and shape your organization towards success. What is the best method of communication for you and your organization? Come and find out. This series is geared toward graduate students. Sponsored by RLP, SAO, and GSC. Food provided. Register at web site provided below.
Web: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dGpOUnk1SklqYm1tbWdhSHo5UlJ3a2c6MA
Contact: Jason McKnight, W20-549, (617) 253-1392, jrmac@mit.edu
Sponsor: Residential Life Programs
Cosponsor: Graduate Student Council
Latest update: 16-Dec-2009