Hebrew Reading/Writing/Speaking Crash Course
Mish Madsen
Mon, Wed, Jan 6, 11, 13, 20, 25, 27, 12-01:00pm, 2-136
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 15 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Fee: 5.00 for Study Materials
We'll quickly cover the alphabet and vowels (no experience necessary) and then move on to modern Israeli Hebrew, focusing on gaining a solid overall grasp of the language and general conversation structure. There will be some written homework assigned each class to prepare you for extensive speaking and listening practice in class. You will complete the course with a solid understanding of basic grammar and vocabulary of modern Hebrew. (Students with knowledge of the aleph-bet may start a few classes late; please contact instructor for details.)
Contact: Eliad Shmuel, W11-040, x3-2982, eliad@mit.edu
Sponsor: Hillel
Latest update: 21-Dec-2009