"From Course 18 to Cultural Translations: An MIT Francophile Alum's Career Path"
Jeffrey Ravel
Thu Jan 21, 05-07:00pm, 14E-304
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 14-Jan-2010
Limited to 30 participants.
Single session event
Talk and dinner for MIT undergraduates. Arthur Goldhammer, Senior Affiliate, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, has been an observer of French politics since 1968 and is one of the world's foremost translators of French history, philosophy, and literature. He received his Ph.D. and S.B. from MIT in Mathematics. Event is limited to 30 participants, please contact Margo Collett (mcollett@mit.edu) to register.
Co-sponsored by History, MISTI - France, and Foreign Languages and Literatures.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/history
Contact: Margo Collett, E51-285, x3-4965, mcollett@mit.edu
Sponsor: History
Cosponsor: MIT France Program
Latest update: 21-Dec-2009