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IAP 2010 Activity

Speaking in Public
Mara Radulovic Emerson College Faculty, Ivan Celanovic
Tue Jan 19, Thu Jan 21, 06:30-09:00pm, 4-257

Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 05-Jan-2010
Limited to 12 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: Bring a presentation or a text you want to work with

Get your message across, clearly and powerfully, using simple yet effective elements of acting. Learn what makes a presentation or a talk inspiring. Discover which elements of your presentation put your already bored audience to sleep. How can you create, practice and deliver a presentation that will make everyone in the room (including yourself) engaged and energized.
Web: http://www.mararadulovic.com
Contact: Ivan Celanovic, NE47-427, x3-5022, ivanc@mit.edu
Sponsor: Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies
Latest update: 19-Jan-2010

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 19 August 2010