Fantasy Electricity Markets Game I: Introduction to the Game and Lecture on Electricity Economics and Markets
Nidhi Santen, Mar Reguant-Rido
Mon Jan 11, 02-05:00pm, 32-141
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops.
Learn about electricity economics, markets, and firm bidding strategy while still having fun! Join a one week-long fantasy electricity markets game designed to teach real electric power sector competitive bidding strategy and market behaviors. The activity will adopt the “Electricity Strategy Game,” developed by Severin Borenstein at UC Berkeley. Most game playing will occur via internet, once a day, between Monday and Friday. Session I is an introductory session to the topics and game. Session II is a debriefing where game winners will be announced and questions will be addressed.
Co-sponsored by: MIT Electricity Student Research Group
Contact: Nidhi Santen,
Sponsor: MIT Energy Initiative
Cosponsor: Energy Club
Latest update: 23-Dec-2009