U.S. Electricity Transmission Policy Panel Discussion
Nidhi Santen, Andrew Whitaker, Jordan Kwok
Tue Jan 12, 03-05:00pm, 32-141
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Electric transmission system infrastructure in the United States must be upgraded and improved, but who will shoulder the costs? Should investments be targeted at building a more reliable, efficient system, or is it more important to focus on integrating renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, regardless of other considerations? This panel discussion will address these and other issues critical to the future of United States electricity infrastructure.
Panelists include executives and representatives of ISO New England, New York ISO, Dominion Resources, and Virginia Power. Discussion will be moderated by MIT Visiting Professor, Ignacio Perez-Arriaga. Light refreshments will be served.
Co-sponsored by: MIT Electricity Student Research Group
Web: http://web.mit.edu/mit-esrg/IAP2010_Transmission
Contact: Nidhi Santen, nrsanten@MIT.EDU
Sponsor: MIT Energy Initiative
Cosponsor: Energy Club
Latest update: 08-Jan-2010