Mass Energy Trek
James Luong
Mon Jan 11, Tue Jan 12, Wed Jan 13, 08am-05:00pm, Greater Boston area, Meet in E51 Tang Lobby
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Fee: 50.00 for gas, mileage reimbursement, & gift to companies
Mass Energy Trek is a three-day trek in the second week of January during IAP. It's is the Energy component of MIT Tech Treks organized jointly by Sloan E&E, Media Tech, and MIT. We will visit innovative companies in and around the energy space at different stages of maturity. Participants are requested to attend all sessions within one day, but can choose to attend one, two, or all three of the days.
Co-sponsored by: Sloan Energy and Environment Club
Contact: James Luong,
Sponsor: MIT Energy Initiative
Latest update: 06-Jan-2010