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IAP 2010 Activity

Religion: Bringing the World Together or Tearing the World Apart?
Kevin Ford, Prof. Ben DeVan
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: None

In the turmoil of today's world, religion is often prominent. In the secular west, it is often blamed for the turbulence; while for much of the world it is seen as the solution to problems. Prof. Ben DeVan will examine this question by comparing and contrasting the views of both the secularists and the world's major religions.
Contact: Kevin Ford, W11-071, x2-1782, ivcf@mit.edu
Sponsor: Graduate Christian Fellowship

Part 1
Ben DeVan Harvard Div. School
DeVan was most recently Instructor in Religion at Peace College; he also taught humanities, philosophy, and African-American literature at North Carolina Central University, a historically black college in NC. He has written for numerous journals, and contributed a chapter on Martin Luther King Jr. to How to Get a Life: Empowering Wisdom for the Heart and Soul.
Fri Jan 15, 07-08:00pm, W20-407

Part 2
Kevin Ford, Prof. Ben DeVan
Fri Jan 22, 07-08:00pm, W20-407

Part 3
Kevin Ford, Prof. Ben DeVan
Fri Jan 29, 07-08:00pm, W20-407
Latest update: 13-Jan-2010

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 19 August 2010