Glass Mosaics (FULL)
Sam Magee
Mon Jan 4, 11, 18, 25, 07-09:30pm, W20-425
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 11-Jan-2010
Limited to 10 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Fee: 40.00 for materials and fees ($40 students, $80 affiliates)
Stained Glass Mosaics offers a lot of flexibility as an arts craft--it uses the wide range of colors and textures of stained glass and can be done on almost any surface, combined with the ease of cutting and gluing stained glass. Whether you are a beginner or an accomplished stained glass crafter, you will find a creative project in this class during IAP--a wall hanging, a mirror, a candle holder, a box, or any object you would like to bring to decorate or revamp.
Contact: Belle Kuo,
Sponsor: Student Art Association
Latest update: 21-Jan-2010