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IAP 2010 Activity

Earth Day Planning Kick-Off Meeting
Niamh Kelly, Jennifer DiMase
Mon Jan 25, 01-02:00pm, E19-319

No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Single session event
Prereq: RSVP to jdimase@mit.edu

Do you have some great ideas for Earth Day? Want to be part of a fun planning committee and make this year’s Earth Day better than ever?

Join in a collaboration of groups representing the academic, staff, and student communities at MIT in planning Earth Day 2010! Earth Day 2009, held in the Stata Center on April 23, featured a variety of MIT groups and vendors to let participants know how they could make their lives more sustainable. The focus of the fair was Sustainability in Action, with five major themes: energy conservation, food, green purchasing, recycling, and transportation. We had food, workshops, displays, giveaways, and entertainment for everyone who attended.

So come to the planning meeting with your ideas and excitement for Earth Day 2010!
Contact: Jennifer DiMase, jdimase@mit.edu
Sponsor: Environment, Health and Safety Office
Cosponsor: MIT Energy Initiative
Latest update: 22-Jan-2010

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 19 August 2010