About IAP Credit
Adding and Dropping Subjects
On-Line Pre-Registration
Subjects Extending into January
Lotteried Subjects
Physical Education Lottery
This section contains information for students on registering for IAP credit subjects, including instructions on adding and dropping subjects, online pre-registration, taking fall subjects that extend into January, entering lottery subjects, the Physical Education Activity lottery, IAP subject grading, and cross-registration.
About IAP Credit
For-credit Subjects are listed exclusively in the online IAP Guide.
- In terms of academic credit, IAP is different from spring and fall terms. Generally, students are not required to participate, and there are a few restrictions on adding and dropping subjects during this period. The IAP registration process is designed to preserve the more flexible nature of the Period while providing instructors with class lists before subjects begin.
Advisors are encouraged to discuss January plans with their advisees. However, they will not be signing paper registration forms as they do in the fall and spring terms.
Subjects continuing from fall term such as 8.01L, 18.02A, and 18.023A impact the amount of units a student may take during January. Freshmen should pay special attention to the credit restrictions on these subjects, particularly if they wish to participate in Second Summer Program.
Adding and Dropping Subjects
Because of the varied dates for subjects offered in IAP, there is no specific add or drop date. Once subjects have begun, students should check with instructors about adding and dropping.
Students will use WebSIS pre-registration (see below) to change subject selection up until January 13, 2011. After this date, students may submit add/drop forms.
Students may not drop subjects after submitting the final assignment or examination.
- Students are responsible for making sure that their subject selection is accurate on WebSIS by January 13, 2011, so that instructors will receive accurate grade sheets. If the grade sheet provided to the instructor is not accurate, an instructor may add or drop students as appropriate.
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Online Pre-Registration
Students use WebSIS to pre-register for credit subjects taken during IAP 2011, January 3-28.
Special topics, thesis, and UROP subjects: Students who are graduating in February and are continuing their theses through January must pre-register for thesis credit on WebSIS.
Due to the 12-unit IAP credit limit for students, departments extending subjects into IAP should note the distribution of units below (see IAP Units of Credit for Subjects that Extend Into/Beyond IAP). The Committee on Academic Performance (CAP) is unlikely to approve petitions to exceed this 12 unit limit.
All continuing students taking non-lotteried credit subjects pre-register on WebSIS between December 1, 2010 and January 13, 2011. See lotteried subjects for more information.
- The pre-registration system will stay open so that students may update the information in WebSIS to reflect added and dropped subjects. This option is available until January 13, when Independent Activities Period pre-registration closes.
Subjects that Extend Into IAP
There is a strictly enforced 12-unit credit limit for all students during the Independent Activities Period. Credit earned for certain fall subjects impacts this 12-unit limit.
For 8.01L, 18.02A, 18.023A and 18.01 taken during IAP:
Subject (begun in Fall '10) |
8.01L |
18.02A |
18.023A |
18.01 |
Units Applied Towards IAP |
6 units |
6 units |
6 units |
6 units |
Available units for IAP |
6 units |
6 units |
6 units |
6 units |
Students taking one of the above subjects cannot receive credit for more than six (6) additional units in IAP.
Students taking two of these subjects cannot receive credit for any additional units in IAP.
Participating in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) for credit also counts towards the credit limit. For more information on UROP for credit during IAP, go to the UROP web page.
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Lotteried Subjects
Some credit subjects offered in the IAP are entered through lotteries. Students wishing to take lotteried subjects do not pre-register for them on WebSIS but instead follow the instructions posted by each subject's organizer.
Students must contact the organizers and enter the subject's lottery by the published deadlines. The organizers will notify students of the lottery outcome. Students who get space in a lotteried subject will automatically be registered by the department (this applies to lotteried subjects during IAP only).
Students who wish to drop lotteried subjects should immediately inform the instructors so that wait-listed students can take their places.
Physical Education Registration
Students register for Physical Education classes for the IAP through the Physical Education website: http://mitpe.com. Undergraduate Students may register between Dec 1 at 8am and Dec 8 at 1pm and Graduate Students may register between Dec 6 at 8am and Dec 8 at 1pm. Click on the registration link to register.
Faculty send final grades to the registrar by February 2, 2011; grades become available on WebSIS later that month. Students should contact their instructors to make sure grades are submitted. Grades will appear on students' official transcript under the subject's official MIT Bulletin title.
Cambridge University students participating in the Cambridge/MIT Undergraduate Exchange may participate in IAP for-credit subjects and non-credit activities. Cambridge students wishing to enroll in a credit subject follow the registration procedures described for MIT students at the top of this page.
Credit guidelines for the Independent Activities Period are approved by the Office of the Dean for Undergraduate Education. If you need more information, call the Registrar's Office at x3-4784.
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