Intermediate and Advanced Kyudo Practice
Marion Taylor, Joyce Wu
Sat Jan 15, 08am-12:00pm, Rockwell cage North Sun Jan 16, 01:30-07:00pm, Rockwell cage North
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 20 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: Beginning Kyudo Instruction: First Shot
Fee: 20.00 for instruction
Kyudo, or Japanese archery, means the "way of the bow" and was considered the highest discipline of ancient Japanese samurai. In addition to instruction at the short-range makiwara target, intermediate students will be able to practice shooting long-distance at 28 meters.
Co-sponsored by Byakko-kyudo.
SCHEDULE - SAT JAN 30 - 8am - noon and SUN JAN 31 9am-3pm Both at Rockwell Cage North Court.
Contact: Michelle Kern, E40-431, x8-8208,
Sponsor: Center for International Studies
Cosponsor: MIT Japan Program
Latest update: 09-Nov-2010