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IAP 2011 Activity

Beginning Kyudo Instruction: First Shot
Marion Taylor, Joyce Wu
Sat Jan 15, 01-05:00pm, MAC Court, Z Center
Sun Jan 16, 01:30-07:00pm, Rockwell cage North

Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 20 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Fee: 20.00 for instruction

Kyudo, or Japanese archery, means the "way of the bow" and was considered the highest discipline of ancient Japanese samurai. Kyudo is based on standing Zen meditation used by Zen Buddhist monks as a means of cultivating self-awareness. Beginners will receive instruction in the basic form of kyudo, the Seven Coordinations or "shichi-do," and shoot at a short-range target.

Schedule: Saturday, January 15, 1-5pm and Sunday, January 16, 1:30-7pm
Location: Sat: MAC court, Z Center. Sun: Rockwell cage North court.

Cosponsored by Byakko-kyudo.
Contact: Michelle Kern, E40-431, x8-8208, mkern@mit.edu
Sponsor: Center for International Studies
Cosponsor: MIT Japan Program
Latest update: 09-Nov-2010

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 7 Sept. 2011