Taking the Next Step in Academic Science
Biology Postdoc Association & Biology Graduate Students
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: none
MIT Biology is also offering a selection of talks on the practice of science, navigating academia, and balancing it all with a life outside the lab.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/biology/www/biology/iap.html
Contact: Michael Laub, 68-580A, x4-0418, laub@mit.edu
Sponsor: Biology
Finding a Postdoc
Alan Grossman, Bart Hendriks, Caterina Schweidenback
Are you interested in doing a postdoc? Want to learn about an industry postdoc? Come hear about the details of interview/application from a professor, princple scientist and an MIT graduate who is currently a postdoc. Find out what makes a good postdoc candidate from a faculty perspective and what makes a good postdoc experience in industry or academia.
Thu Jan 6, 01-02:30pm, 68-181
Time Management
J. Kamens, S. Dasgupta, I. Cheeseman, D. Kim
Being successful in careers in the life sciences largely depends on the ability to efficiently manage several tasks both at work and at home. Come learn from professionals and scientists in academia and industry their tactics to get the job done while maintaining a good work-life balance.
Fri Jan 7, 01:30-03:00pm, 68-181
Finding a Faculty Position
Jonathan King, Amy Keating, Mary Gehring
Looking for that professorship is a daunting process. What do search committees look for? Where do you find information? What should you do at an interview? What are the pitfalls? Come find out from faculty at different career stages who have experienced all aspects of the process.
Thu Jan 13, 01-02:30pm, 68-181
Latest update: 22-Dec-2010