The Distaff Arts: Medieval Clothing Technology
Anne McCants, Margo Collett, Miranda Knutson
Tue Jan 18 thru Fri Jan 21, 10am-04:00pm, E51-095
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 03-Jan-2011
Limited to 15 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
This course explores a wide range of medieval textile and clothing production technologies, offering students hands on experience in their use. We will work with a raw fleece; card and spin the wool; use simple looms to weave a belt; dye a variety of fabrics; and design/construct a single garment - either a cloak or tunic. All materials provided - students must commit to all 4 days of class.
This course will question typical characterization of medieval textile work as unskilled, as well as consider distinctions usually made between activities labeled as crafts versus those labeled as art.
Contact: Anne E. C. McCants, E51-255, 258-6669,
Sponsor: History
Latest update: 24-Nov-2010