Being an Economics Professor in a Business School
Robert Gibbons and Roberto Rigobon
Mon Jan 24, 12:45-02:00pm, E62-550
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
This session will discuss how several kinds of economists (in fields such as IO, applied micro, applied theory, macro, and international) have found productive professorial careers in several kinds of faculty groups (including economics, strategy, political economy, and international management) within several kinds of business schools (from Chicago to HBS, and many in between). Of course, professorial career includes both research and teaching, so we will discuss how both may be somewhat different than in an economics department, but also how in many business schools the differences compared to a department are greater in terms of teaching than research.
Contact: Ruth Levitsky, E52-252, x3-3399,
Sponsor: Economics
Latest update: 21-Jan-2011