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IAP 2011 Activity

MIT Physics Lecture Series:a

Defense Industrial Physicists: What Do They Really Do?
Tim Imholt - Raytheon
Mon Jan 10, 01:30-02:30pm, 6-120

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)

There is no doubt what an academic physicist does. However there is sometimes confusion as to the true job(s) an industrial physicist may work. This is especially true of the defense industry where much of the day to day goings on is shrouded in secrecy. That shroud will be lifted as much as is practical and the real applications will be shown. These range from advanced armor design and testing to how to make a missile fly further, faster on less fuel.
Contact: Nancy Boyce, 4-315, 253-4461, nboyce@mit.edu
Sponsor: Physics
Latest update: 06-Dec-2010

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 7 Sept. 2011