Advanced C
David Greenberg
Wed Jan 26, 05-07:00pm, 3-133
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Prereq: Prereq: basic familiarity with C
C, love it or hate it, is somewhere at the foundation of most software today. While some may call it a glorified assembler, C does provide many useful features while giving you the option to get close to the hardware and have precise control over everything your machine does. We'll learn how to make your C a lot less painful to write with features you thought were only in higher-level languages like LISP, and we'll also go over when you might want to get closer to the hardware and how to go about doing that with inline assembly and gcc-specific features.
Contact: sipb-iap-advc@mit.ed
Sponsor: Student Information Processing Board
Cosponsor: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Latest update: 20-Jan-2011