Caffeinated Crash Course in Computer Forensics
Jesse Kornblum ManTech
Wed Jan 5, 06-08:00pm, 4-163
Single session event
Prereq: Non-technical computer literacy.
This two-hour session is a high-speed, low drag introduction to computer forensics. You'll see what kinds of data can be recovered from various devices found in the real world and in the cloud. There's treasure everywhere! Topics covered include hidden data in office documents, filesystems, flash storage, cell phones, GPS devices (which are mostly Linux boxen, anyway), computer memory (RAM), social networking sites, the Lobby 7 Anomalous Activity Hypothesis, Jesse's Dead Body Theory of Evidence, and the story of FRED. By the end you'll understand information hasn't been destroyed unless the media has been raised to the Curie Point.
Contact: Jesse Kornblum,
Sponsor: Student Information Processing Board
Cosponsor: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Latest update: 13-Dec-2010