Programming in Postscript
Bayard W. Wenzel
Tue Jan 4, Thu Jan 6, Tue Jan 11, Thu Jan 13, 05-06:00am, 3-133
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: Prereq: Familiarity with programming.
PostScript is the standard document formatting language for printers,and the forerunner to PDF, the Portable Document Format. This class will concentrate both on PostScript as a programming language, and PostScript's approach to rendering graphics. Additional topics will include the structure of PDF documents, font encoding, and font rendering. This class should provide a working understanding of stack machine programming, vector graphics, typography, and portable document encoding.
Contact: Bayard Wenzel,
Sponsor: Student Information Processing Board
Cosponsor: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Latest update: 22-Dec-2010