Identity Theft Prevention
Kimberly Shooter, Robert Siciliano
Thu Jan 27, 12-02:00pm, 32-141
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 04-Jan-2011
Limited to 90 participants.
Single session event
Identity theft impacts 10 million people annually. Government and industry are scrambling for solutions. Discover what techniques scammers use so fraud doesn’t happen to you. Learn why the system of identification and authentication is fundamentally flawed and how the speed of technology has far outpaced security. And discover what solutions are already here but have yet to be implemented.
You will learn how to: • Help co-workers, friends, and family stay safe. • Find out what puts you at risk. • Protect your Social Security (SS) number. • Identify sources that have your SS number. • Protect mail and proprietary information. • Defend yourself against phone fraud. • Get a head start before the crime gets you. • Use high and low-tech means to protect yourself. • Respond in case you are victimized.
Contact: Laura Tramontozzi, NE48, x4-1826,
Sponsor: MIT Federal Credit Union
Latest update: 14-Dec-2010