Facing Love & Relationships
Lauren Zander, Gabriella Jordan
Mon Jan 24, Wed Jan 26, Fri Jan 28, 10am-01:00pm, E51-145
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 20-Jan-2011
Limited to 65 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Are you willing to face your history in order to design a new future in the arena of relationships? Come prepared to learn and understand why we do and chose what we do. If you are willing to look deeply at yourself, face your past relationships for the opportunity to have your deepest dreams in the arena of relationships realized, come join us in this Pilot Program where you will have the opportunity to take stock of the past as well as create a future design for a deep connections with people. These connections yield spectacular results in many areas of your life (both professional and personal).
Be prepared to do assignments, exercises and have fun looking at your life.
This class is lead by Executives of the Handel Group who have been teaching at MIT since 2006 (in a course now called Designing Your Life). The Handel Group is an international coaching and training company which has trained thousands of people to identify where they are holding themselves back and then free themselves to fulfill their lives' missions.
Contact: Nicole Ryan, nsuhrie@mit.edu
Sponsor: Office of Undergrad. Advising/Academic Programming
Latest update: 13-Dec-2010