Leadership in the 21st Century: Activating the Power within, Aligning with the Possibilities Ahead
Partha Ghosh, 77’
Mon Jan 10, Fri Jan 14, 09:30am-12:30pm, E51-345 Tue Jan 18, 09:30am-12:30pm, E51-395 Wed Jan 19, Thu Jan 20, 09:30am-12:30pm, E51-345
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 10-Jan-2011
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
The Specifics of the Program consist of five components to be covered over 5 days:
1: Understanding what makes person an effective Leader: “The Art of Becoming” and Perspectives on Leadership and Followership: “What constitutes leadership charisma?” We will build on a full spectrum of leaders from Socrates to Andrew Carnegie, from Mother Teresa to Martin Luther King, from Omar Khyam to Queen Elizabeth the 1st, Ata Turk to Thomas Edison, Swami Vivekananda to Jamshedji Tata will help the participants to identify the essential underlying qualities in a leader.
2: Listening to your inner voice: Avoiding self-deception? Know thy self In order to identify the inner potentials of the "self" for the benefit of the greater society, this section introduces a framework which will help participants to test and develop their own leadership skills along the three layers of what constitutes leadership – Power of Intuition, -an inner power which works beyond conventional logic.
3: Developing a 360o a perspective on the emerging possibilities: We will discuss the emerging challenges of the planet, —ecological, energy and equity to help the participants explore how technological, scientific, and organization prowess of our times could be harnessed to evolve a personal and/or a group agenda.
4: Internalizing the 21 Golden Rules in Cultivating the Essentials of Leadership: This session will discuss simple ground rules that participants might consider practicing and internalizing, —in order to enable development of the Power of Intellect, Power of Interconnectivity and the Power of Intuition 5. Crafting your agenda in seeking Self fulfillment: Building on ancient Philosophies, modern day challenges and self-analyses, participants will be expected to craft a personal development map to unleash his/her inner leadership attributes.
Contact: Dan Chapman, 7-103, x3-9764, dwc@mit.edu
Sponsor: Office of Undergrad. Advising/Academic Programming
Latest update: 14-Jan-2011