Ellen Stahl
Thu Jan 27, 12-03:00pm, Bush Room, 10-105
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 80 participants.
Single session event
Get down with the government scene this IAP, Thursday January 27th, 12pm – 3pm in the Bush Room. Presenting, .Govapalooza! Hobnob with employers over snacks and beverages, and make connections with key decision makers working in a variety of government agencies. Put yourself out there, and learn about the infinite possibilities of working within the government sector. BTW, these offices offer a wide range of jobs in all areas of interest, and the best part is - they are eager to meet YOU. Advance registration for this exclusive event is required through CareerBridge under "Workshops Career Fairs and Events"
Web: http://www.myinterfase.com/mit/student
Contact: Ellen Stahl, 12-170, x3-4733, eestahl@mit.edu
Sponsor: Global Education and Career Development
Latest update: 14-Dec-2010