Business and Medicine
Shonool Malik
Thu Jan 27, 06-07:00pm, 4-231
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Single session event
The turn of the 20th century has brought about an increasingly intertwining and crossing of paths of medicine and business. From the drugs that are prescribed, to the hospitals that we go to, to the insurance companies that pay for services, and to the medical devices used in the practice of medicine, capital is needed to develop and market all components of medicine. Awareness of this business side of medicine is important for future physicians as well as those wanting to branch out of medicine. The panelists will share their professional and personal journeys through the complex merging of the worlds of medicine and business. Preregistration requested through CareerBridge:
Contact: Shonool Malik, 12-185, x3-4733,
Sponsor: Global Education and Career Development
Latest update: 12-Nov-2010