Pursuing an Academic Career While Starting a Family: Work-Life Balance Issues
Kim Hamad-Schifferli, Kristala Jones Prather, Annalisa Weigel
Mon Jan 24, 01:30-03:30pm, 4-149
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Limited to 40 participants.
Single session event
Kim Hamad-Schifferli, MechE/BE Kristala Jones Prather, ChemE Annalisa Weigel, Aero-Astro/ESD
Interested in an academic career, but also starting a family? We will feature a panel of women faculty from engineering and science who have different family situations and are balancing those with an academic career. Discussion will cover issues such as: - Stopping the tenure clock for a maternity leave - Maternity leaves: breaks from teaching and your research - Maintaining academic visibility as a mother - Traveling for work while children are small - Childcare situations - Balancing time spent on household chores - Spouse/Partner support, involvement in childcare, and maintaining the household Grad students, postdocs, research scientists welcome to attend. There will be plenty of time for questions!
Contact: Kim Hamad-Schifferli, 56-341C, (617) 452-2385, schiffer@mit.edu
Sponsor: Mechanical Engineering
Latest update: 18-Jan-2011