Navigating growth: Managing conflict while building your enterprise
Lars Hasselblad Torres
Thu Jan 27, 03-05:00pm, 1-132
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Building and sustaining thriving organizations -- for-profit and non-profit -- is a tough enterprise process. Holding teams together, integrating new members, talking about your IP, and negotiating founders shares can challenge the leadership skills of even seasoned CEOs. Join the pros and learn tools and concepts that will help you manage all kinds of difficult conversations effectively. Mindy Garber (Course 2, 1982) and Vicky Bennet are both veterans in dispute resolution who can help prepare young entrepreneurs for a successful organization-building journey.
Sponsored by IDEAS and the MIT Global Challenge
Contact: Lars Torres, W20-549, x4-5176,
Sponsor: Public Service Center
Latest update: 22-Nov-2010