AI for Arcade Games: the Orbis Challenge
Matthew Marshall, Orbis
Sat Jan 29, Sun Jan 30, 11am-02:00pm, 32-141
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Prereq: 6.034 or 6.006 suggested
Do you like money and food? How does $2,000 and a free lunch sound? Orbis, a long-standing global investment firm, is hosting a programming competition on Saturday and Sunday, January 29th and 30th open to all undergraduate and graduate EECS students.
The competition will start with a required introductory session at 11:00am on Saturday, January 29th. The programming competition will officially begin at noon on Saturday and run until noon on Sunday, after which there will be a delicious lunch and prizes for the winners.
Competitors must also be present at the Sunday post-competition lunch and closing session in order to win prizes. And don't worry, this won't be a boring programming contest with ODEs and weird encryption algorithms, you'll be developing an AI for a classic arcade game and all submissions will duke it out!
Students can work alone or in pairs. First place gets $2,000, second place gets $1,000, and all competitors are entered into a raffle for an iPad!
Signup: Send an email with your team members (1-2 students) and any dietary requirements to
Contact: Matthew Marshall,,
Sponsor: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Latest update: 06-Jan-2011