Creatively Capture your Field Experience – with words, images, found elements and mapping
Kate Mytty
Tue Jan 4, 03-05:00pm, 4-159
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Single session event
Your time in the field and experience working on various projects are incredible learning opportunities during which senses are heightened. We’ll give you ways to think about capturing that experience using multiple creative processes – visual, written and found elements from your experience away from home. All of which will make it easier for you to share your story and report back when you return. Before we meet, pick up a supply kit and one exercise for this course and spend time either over winter break or earlier that day capturing one piece of your day-to-day activities – maybe it’s how you choose the type of cereal at the grocery store, or the process for checking in through TSA at the airport or what tunnels you take to walk from one side of campus to the next; it can be as specific or broad as you desire. We’ll spend Tuesday, January 4th working on pulling together parts and pieces into a compelling story and then sharing it with the class.
IDEAS Competition/MIT Global Challenge
Contact: Kate Mytty, W20-549, (617) 715-5474,
Sponsor: Public Service Center
Latest update: 22-Nov-2010