Institute Diversity Summit 2011
Edmund Bertschinger, Robbin Chapman
Mon Jan 24, 09am-04:00pm, E14-6th floor
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Prereq: None
The Institute Diversity Summit 2011 is a rare opportunity to increase communication and collaboration across MIT departments and groups. We invite the entire MIT community to join us in celebrating the varied contributions of underrepresented students, postdocs, staff and faculty!
Learn about and practice ways to interact within a diverse environment, help cultivate an inclusive environment, and reach out to bring in all kinds of talent to MIT
The program will include presentations, breakout sessions, networking opportunities, exhibits, and more!
Monday, January 24th from 9am to 4pm in E14-6th floor.
Refreshments will be provided
Contact: Edmund Bertschinger, 4-304, 253-4801,
Sponsor: Physics
Cosponsor: Architecture
Latest update: 10-Jan-2011