Bike Wheelbuilding
Zach LaBry, Alex Chaleff
Wed Jan 12, Thu Jan 13, 09am-12:00pm, 36-112
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Signup by: 20-Dec-2010
Limited to 15 participants.
Prereq: Significant bike mechanic experience
This course is intended for people with significant experience in maintaining their bikes and want to learn how to build a wheel. The course will be part demo, part hands-on.
Topics include:
- Selecting components - Spoke lacing patterns - Tensioning and truing wheels - Dishing front and rear wheels - A demonstration on the topics above
Attendees are expected to bring their own bike, rims, spokes and appropriate tools for the tasks above (if you have them). Some specialty tools will be available.
Contact: Gary Riggott, 39-561, 452-3186, RIGGOTTG@MTL.MIT.EDU
Sponsor: MIT Cycling Club
Latest update: 07-Dec-2010