Philanthropy Business Plan Boot camp
Janet Wasserstein, Claudia Jacobs
Wed Jan 26, 03-04:30pm, 56-154
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 25-Jan-2011
Single session event
Prereq: None
Philanthropy Business Plan Boot camp幽ow you can win $5K by devising strategy for your fellow students to become more philanthropic
Do you have to be a Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg to enjoy being a philanthropist? What about ordinary people contributing to extraordinary things? The Sillerman Prize in Philanthropy Innovations on College Campuses seeks to democratize giving and show the importance, satisfaction and power of philanthropy in civic life for all of us.
The Prize, a $5,000 cash award, is made to the college or graduate students who come up with the best business plan to increase philanthropy amongst college students. Use your creativity, innovativeness and planning skills to describe how to best accomplish bringing philanthropy values and skills to campus life. If you致e never thought of being a philanthropist, or even if you have, come join MIT and Brandeis University Sillerman Center staff in a discussion of personal philanthropic values and how to translate that into a winning application.
Contact: Janet Wasserstein, W98-500, (617) 253-4789,
Sponsor: Janet Wasserstein, W98-559, 617 253-4789,
Latest update: 03-Jan-2011