What's Ahead? E-Learning at Institute Level - Insight, Conversation/Discussion Around It…and Lunch
Toru Iiyoshi
Tue Jan 25, 11am-01:00pm, 26-142
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 20-Jan-2011
Limited to 30 participants.
Single session event
What is going on with e-learning at the Institute level and what is the future going to bring?
Plan on enjoying a light lunch and sharing insights, views, questions, answers, hunches! There will be a short 10 to 15 minute presentation followed by conversation and lively discussions.
Contact: Toru Iiyoshi, NE 48-308, (617) 715-2461, iiyoshi@mit.edu
Sponsor: Office of Educational Innovation and Technology
Latest update: 05-Jan-2011