Habitat for Humanity January 29th Build Day
Josh Cohen
Sat Jan 29, 07am-04:00pm, W20, Main Lobby
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 25-Jan-2011
Limited to 10 participants.
Single session event
Join MIT Habitat for Humanity for some on-site construction experience! We will be traveling to Peabody, MA to work with our Lowell Habitat for Humanity affiliate. No experience necessary.
Please email jdc@mit.edu to sign up, with your name, email, and if you are willing to drive. To drive, you must be 18 or older. If you are able to drive, no car is required; we will rent one if necessary. Details will be sent the week prior to the trip.
Web: http://habitat.mit.edu/build_days.shtml
Contact: Josh Cohen, Baker #533, (404) 285-2680, jdc@mit.edu
Sponsor: Habitat for Humanity
Latest update: 21-Dec-2010