Hebrew Literacy Marathon
Susana Vasserman
Sun Jan 16, 23, 12-04:00pm, 2-105
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 13-Jan-2011
Limited to 12 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
If you don't know even a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, this class is for you. Be part of an eight hour Hebrew learning marathon. You will learn the aleph-bet and vowel signs of Hebrew, be able to read in Hebrew, be exposed to many basic words of Hebrew. No background required. Register now, as enrollment is limited!
Web: http://hebrew.mit.edu
Contact: Susana Vasserman, svasserm@MIT.EDU
Sponsor: Hillel
Cosponsor: MIT - Israel
Latest update: 10-Jan-2011