Hands-On Introduction to Web Programming
HaoQi Li
Mon Jan 10 thru Fri Jan 14, 09-10:00pm, 1-115
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: Basic knowledge of HTML
Learn web programming by building your own personal web page, topics include: -Web programming tools, set up your scripts hosting -HTML + CSS, and design tips -JavaScript, jQuery, and AJAX -PHP server side -MySQL database The Room has Athena machines, but you're welcome to bring your own laptop. There will also be extra office hours to guarantee that you'll walk away with your dynamic personal web page.
Web: http://sipb.mit.edu/iap/#webprogramming
Contact: HaoQi Li, sipb-iap-webprogramming@mit.edu
Sponsor: Student Information Processing Board
Latest update: 28-Dec-2010