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IAP 2011 Activity

Ramamchandra Dasari, Robert Field
Wed Jan 19, 08:30am-04:00pm, 34-401, Buffet Lunch at 12:00

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event

Steven Sasson (Kodak, on the first digital camera), Margaret Geller (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, "Click! The Universe."), and you. After the lectures, we break for a two hour poster session/buffet lunch in which most of the graduate students doing Spectroscopy Lab related research participate. Following this are four 20 minute talks given by graduate students
Contact: Zina Queen, 6-205, x2-3422, zqueen@mit.edu
Sponsor: Spectroscopy Lab
Latest update: 04-Jan-2011

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 7 Sept. 2011