Recycling Culture: Waste as Creative Medium
Sam Magee, Jegan Vicent de Paul, Jess Wheelock
Mon Jan 24 thru Fri Jan 28, 12-03:00pm, W20-431
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Signup by: 24-Jan-2011
Limited to 10 participants.
RECYCLING CULTURE: WASTE AS A CREATIVE MEDIUM January 2011 IAP - 5-Day Intensive Hands-On Workshop Instructors: Jegan Vincent de Paul 09 Jessica Wheelock 10 RECYCLING CULTURE is a week-long project-based workshop to examine the contemporary crises of waste through critical and creative forms of expression. This intensive hands-on workshop asks participants to develop independent or collaborative projects to consider the culture, politics and processes of waste production in an artistic medium, such as sculpture temporary installation, performance or photography. Participants will conceptualize and develop ways of turning waste itself into a creative and constructive medium. Please see for more info on the workshop. On Friday January 28th, we will have a one-day exhibit of the workshop projects in an open public space at MIT, with a discussion and review by guest critics.
Contact: Sam Magee, W20-429, x3-4004,
Sponsor: Student Art Association
Latest update: 05-Jan-2011