Strategic Opportunities in Residential Energy Efficiency
Harvey Michaels
Thu Jan 13, 02:30-04:00pm, 56-154
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
The year ahead will be an important one for concept of enabling efficiency as an energy resource, very challenging and with high stakes for its long term viability. It’s a great time to get engaged! In this session, we will discuss new strategies being developed or tested to more successfully mitigate market barriers to efficiency in homes, including consideration of: • New models for utility and government-supported incentives, including Green Communities • Behavior/feedback systems, supported by Internet and “smart” electric/gas meters. • New business approaches, and policies promotive of innovation.
Please come and share your thoughts on: • What are the big ideas that change everything? • How will consumers respond to them? • How do we align incentives with objectives? • How can efficiency performance be effectively measured?
Harvey Michaels directs the multidisciplinary MIT Energy Efficiency Strategy Project, which performs case research and analysis of utility, community, and smart grid-enabled efficiency deployment models.
Contact: Harvey Michaels,
Sponsor: MIT Energy Initiative
Latest update: 06-Jan-2011