ORC IAP Seminar: Crisis Mitigation and Response in Logistics and Transportation Systems
Nick Howard, Pallav Chhaochhria
Thu Jan 20, 10am-03:30pm, 32-155
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Single session event
Prereq: None
We will have several speakers talking on how we can design systems to deal with and respond to disease epidemics, natural disasters, and other crisis that often overwhelm traditional logistics and transportation systems.
Schedule: 10:00-10:30 Bagels and Coffee 10:30-11:30 Prof Yossi Sheffi will talk about robust systems design 11:30-12:30 Diana Michalek will discuss air traffic control in response to storms and weather patterns 12:30-1:30 Lunch 1:30-2:30 Kathy King will discuss disease pandemic logistics systems 2:30-3:30 Prof Arnie Barnett will discuss robust logistics/transportation systems
Please RSVP to Nickhow@mit.edu
Contact: Nick Howard, E40, nickhow@mit.edu
Sponsor: Operations Research Center
Latest update: 14-Jan-2011