From Bath Tub to Warehouse .... Lab to Launch!
Joseph G. Hadzima, Duncan Smith, Cambridge Consultants
Wed Jan 26, 03-06:00pm, 32-155, Networking from 5-6pm
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 21-Jan-2011
Single session event
Prereq: None
Why and How Startups Should Prototype and Demonstrate Products/Services
This offering will focus on the immediate goals of a technology-based startup: winning the next funding round and gaining initial product orders. Both can be achieved with the aid of technology and product demonstrators and prototypes. Compelling demonstrators communicate both the credibility of the technology and the immediacy and impact of the application to both potential investors and customers. They can also help answer the common difficult questions that investors want early stage technology-based companies to address at the different stages in the funding process, such as, addressing technical risk, scale up to manufacturing, user needs and wants.
A panel with a Venture Capitalist, an Entrepreneur and Product Development Experts will provide valuable insights into these issues. Pre-register at the website listed below.
Co-Sponsor: Cambridge Consultants
Contact: Joseph G. Hadzima, (617) 475-6009,
Sponsor: Joseph G Hadzima, E40-196, 617 475-6009,
Latest update: 10-Jan-2011