The Reason for God - free dinner and discussion
Chris Swanson
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Come for a FREE dinner and a discussion around common objections about Christianity. We will start at 5:30 pm (not 5pm as previously stated). We will be meeting at Baker Hall in one of the study rooms for the first meeting. Please call 515-451-9542 if you have trouble getting into Baker. Email us to get updates on the location.
People of all viewpoints are welcome to attend. Each session will include dinner, 20 minute video, and then and open dialogue about the following topics:
Jan. 17 - Isn’t the Bible a Myth? Jan. 18 - Can You Say There Is Only One Way to God? Jan. 19 - What Gives You the Right to Tell Me How to Live My Life? Jan. 24 - Why Does God Allow Suffering? Jan. 25 - Why Is the Church Responsible for So Much Injustice? Jan. 26 - How Can God Be Full of Love and Wrath at the Same Time?
Please let us know which session(s) you want to attend so we know how much food to have available. Email See video trailer at the following website for more info.
Contact: Chris Swanson, (515) 451-9542,
Sponsor: Campus Crusade for Christ
Isn’t the Bible a Myth?
Chris Swanson
This discussion will look at the common questions surrounding the reliability of the Bible.
Mon Jan 17, 05:30-07:15pm, Baker Hall, TV room
How Can You Say There Is Only One Way to God?
Chris Swanson
How do we respond to the "exclusive" truth claims of various worldviews, including Christianity. Is it okay to hold an exclusive worldview? Do we all have exclusive worldviews? How can we live peacefully together?
Tue Jan 18, 05:30-07:15pm, Baker Hall - TV room
What Gives You the Right to Tell Me How to Live My Life?
Chris Swanson
Doesn't Christianity inhibit my personal freedom? It seems like there are lots of rules to follow.
Wed Jan 19, 05:30-07:15pm, Baker Hall - TV room
Why Does God Allow Suffering?
Chris Swanson
One of the hardest human questions - why is there suffering in the world. If God exists, why doesn't he do something?
Mon Jan 24, 05:30-07:15pm, email for location
Why Is the Church Responsible for So Much Injustice?
Chris Swanson
Hasn't the church caused a lot of problems in the past? Why are Christians such hypocrites?
Tue Jan 25, 05:30-07:15pm, email for location
How Can God Be Full of Love and Wrath at the Same Time?
Chris Swanson
Isnt' the idea of a loving God contradictory to a God who is wrathful? Is it possible to be both loving and wrathful and be consistent?
Wed Jan 26, 05:15-07:30pm, email for location
Latest update: 18-Jan-2011